
Journal Publications

  1. Stewart, P. A., Svetieva, E., & Mullins, J. K. (2024). The influence of President Trump’s micro-expressions during his COVID-19 National Address on viewers’ emotional response. Politics and the Life Sciences.
  2. Kuai, L., Lacity, M. C., & Mullins, J. K. (2023). Web 2 vs. Web 3 Paths to the Metaverse: Who Is Leading? Who Should Lead? Journal of the British Blockchain Association, 6(2), 50-56.
  3. Lacity, M. C., Mullins, J. K., Kuai., L. (2023). Evolution of the Metaverse. MIS Quarterly Executive, (22)2, 165-173.
  4. Lacity, M. C., Kuai, L., & Mullins, J. K. (2022). How Many Public Corporations Recognise “Token Economy” Technologies as Materially Significant? Evidence from 10-K Reports. Journal of the British Blockchain Association, 5(2), 37-39.
  5. Mullins, J. K., & Sabherwal, R. (2022). Just Enough Information? The Contingent Curvilinear Effect of Information Volume on Decision Performance in IS-Enabled Teams. MIS Quarterly, 46(4), 2197-2228.
  6. Mullins, J. K., Stewart, P. A., & Greitens, T. J. (2022). Facing Forward: Policy for Automated Facial Expression Analysis. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23(6), 1347-1353.
  7. Mullins, J. K., & Cronan, T. P. (2021). Enterprise Systems Knowledge, Beliefs, and Attitude: A Model of Informed Technology Acceptance. International Journal of Information Management59, 102348.
  8. Mullins, J. K., & Sabherwal, R. (2020). Gamification: A Cognitive-Emotional View. Journal of Business Research, 106, 304-314.
  9. Cronan, T. P., Mullins, J. K., & Douglas, D. E. (2018). Further Understanding Factors that Explain Freshman Business Students’ Academic Integrity Intention and Behavior: Plagiarism and Sharing Homework. Journal of Business Ethics, 147(1), 197-220.
  10. Cronan, T. P., McHaney, R., Douglas, D. E., & Mullins, J. K. (2017). Changing the Academic Integrity Climate on Campus Using a Technology-Based Intervention. Ethics & Behavior, 27(2), 89-105.

Conference and Workshop Proceedings

  1. Zhu, Y., and Mullins, J. K. (2022). Algorithmic Commitment and the Autonomy Paradox in Online Labor Platforms. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work with ICT.
  2. Bina, S., Mullins, J. K., & Petter, S. (2021). Examining Game-based Approaches in Human Resources Recruitment and Selection: A Literature Review and Research Agenda, in Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1325-1334.
  3. Mullins, J. K., & Sabherwal, R. (2018). Beyond Enjoyment: A Cognitive-Emotional Perspective of Gamification, in Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1237-1246.
  4. Bristow, S. E., Serrano, C. I., & Mullins, J. K. (2016). Game Play: Online Delivery of ERP Simulation Game, in Proceedings of the 19th SAP Academic Conference Americas.
  5. Bristow, S. E., Serrano, C. I., & Mullins, J. K. (2016). Online versus Flipped Learning: Understanding Factors that Shape Student Success in ERP Courses, in Proceedings of the 19th SAP Academic Conference Americas.
  6. Mullins, J. K., & Sabherwal, R. (2014). How Much Information is Too Much? Effects of Computer Anxiety and Self-Efficacy, in Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems.

Other Academic Publications and Presentations

  1. Lacity, M. C., Mullins, J. K., and Kuai, L. (2022). What type of metaverse will we create? [White paper]. Sam M. Walton College of Business.
  2. Stewart, P. A., Mullins, J. K., & Greitens, T. J. (2022). Comments on use of biometric technologies for inference of individual mental and emotional states: Facial Expression Analysis (FEA) [White paper; response to RFI]. Office of Science and Technology Policy.
  3. Shuva, S., & Mullins, J. K. (2021). LMAO, SMH, or WTF? The Role of Internet Memes in Mood, Engagement, and Persuasion. ICIS 2021 TREOs. 30.
  4. Mullins, J. K. (2019). Getting Serious about Games: A Study of Work and Play through Information Systems (Doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas).
  5. Nikkhah, H. R., & Mullins, J. K. (2019). Gamified Systems and Information Disclosure Behavior. ICIS 2019 TREOs. 1233.
  6. Cronan, T. P., Douglas, D. E., & Mullins, J. K. (2015). An Online Graduate Certificate Credential Program at the University of Arkansas, in Reshaping Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision Support: Role of Business Intelligence and Social Media. Annals of Information Systems, 18, 239-247.